對比台灣的祥和,其實全世界的疫情還是非常嚴重的,全世界在過去半年裡消失的生命高達 65 萬 (統計至七月底),台灣的狀況能到解禁,完全是大家保持警覺還有強力的合作才能做到的。
既然說到了解禁,大家知道解禁的英文怎麼說嗎?今天要帶大家看的文章是 Focus Taiwan 的這篇報導:CORONAVIRUS/Taiwan eases COVID-19 rules as domestic transmissions stay at zero
Taipei, June 7, The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) lifted some of its restrictions on large gatherings, social distancing and the need for face masks, citing Taiwan’s record of no new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases for 56 straight days.
(衛福部在 6 月 7 日宣布台灣已經連續 56 天無新冠病毒本土感染案例,因此,取消了一些對於大型集會、社交距離,以及配戴口罩要求的限制。)
lift 動名詞同形,在此當作動詞使用,意思是「取消,撤銷」,它也有「提起,舉」的意思;當作名詞時,在英式用語中表示「電梯」,而「解禁」的英文就是 lift (some) restrictions (解除限制)。
The authorities eventually lifted the ban on wearing hats to school.
Please take the lift to the sixth floor and wait for the boss.
…passengers on the Taiwan High Speed Rail (TSHR), Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA), highway coaches, metro systems, city buses, and domestic flights will still be required to have their temperatures checked at the gate and to wear a mask up to that point, but they will be allowed to remove the mask after that if proper social distancing can be observed, the CECC said. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained, however, passengers will be required to wear a mask for the entire trip, the CECC said.
domestic 為形容詞,意思是「本國的,國內的」,此外也可表示「家庭的」。
Domestic terrorism in the U.S. is more of a threat than people realize.
Lily has to do the domestic chores after she returns home from school.
Lily 從學校返家後,要處理那些家庭瑣事。
Food tasting and sampling has also been revived at supermarkets and retail warehouses, on condition that people keep their hands clean and observe proper personal hygiene.
revive 為動詞,意思是「(使)復興;(使)重新流行,回復生機」。
The town has revived many old traditions to attract tourists.
The plants in the garden were revived after he watered them.
hygiene /ˈhaɪdʒiːn/ 為名詞,意思是「衛生,衛生情況」。
Poor hygiene is a leading cause of death.
Its restrictions on mass gatherings of more than 100 people indoors and 500 outdoors have also been lifted for scenic areas, night markets, and art and cultural events, the CECC said. Furthermore, national performance venues are also allowed to again sell tickets for a full house…however, that people will still be required to give their names and contact details at large gatherings and events, practice good personal hygiene, wear face masks if they cannot keep a safe distance from others, and avoid crowded public areas if they feel sick.
(衛福部表示,對於風景名勝區,夜市以及藝術文化活動,將取消室內最多 100 名群眾和室外最多 500 名群眾參加的限制。此外,國家表演場地也可以再次販售滿座門票。然而,參加大型聚會和活動的民眾還是必須提供姓名以及聯絡資訊、保持良好個人衛生、在無法保持安全社交距離的情況下配戴口罩,並在感到身體不適時避開人群。)
scenic 為形容詞,意思是「風景優美的」,相關字詞為 scene 和 scenery,兩者皆有景色的意思,差別在於前者為可數名詞,後者為不可數。
We decided to take the scenic route home.
They admired the scenery on the drive home.
The last time Taiwan recorded a domestic infection was on April 12, which is a sufficient reason to lift some restrictions, the CECC said. To date, 352 of Taiwan’s 443 cases of COVID-19 have been classified as imported, while 55 are believed to be local infections, according to CECC statistics. The other 36 cases were on board a Navy vessel that was on a goodwill mission in the Pacific in March, a cluster infection the CECC says originated in Taiwan.
(衛福部解釋道,台灣最後一次本土案例確診是在 4 月 12 日,這也構成一個充分放寬制度的理由。根據統計,迄今為止,台灣 443 例新冠病毒病例中,有 352 例為入境感染、有 55 例為本土感染,另外 36 例則是海軍在 3 月所派出的太平洋敦睦軍艦中的集體感染病例。)
sufficient 為形容詞,意思是「充足的,足夠的」,意思相近的字詞為 enough。
We need sufficient time to deal with this problem.
5000 NTD will be a sufficient amount of money for this trip.
這趟旅行 5,000 元就足夠了。
goodwill 為名詞,意思是「善意,友善,友好」。
They gave the customer a voucher for a free meal as a gesture of goodwill.
Globally, COVID-19 has infected 6,873,363 people in 187 countries and regions.
(新冠病毒在全球總計感染了 6,873,363 人,187 個國家與地區。)
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