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【內文預覽】 1機票 I would like a nonstop1 flight. 我要訂直達的班機。 I would like to book2 a round-trip3 ticket. 我要訂一張來回機票。 I would like to book two seats4. 我要訂兩張機票。 How much is the airfare5? 機票多少錢? I would like to know the airfare. 我想要知道票價。 What's the one way fare? 單程票價是多少錢? What's the fare from Taipei to Tokyo? 從台北到東京票價是多少錢? Please tell me the cheapest way. 請告訴我最實惠的方法。 ★would like + 名詞 我要 I would like a cup of coffee. 我要一杯咖啡。 ★book a ticket 訂票 I'd like to book a ticket. 我要訂一張票。 ★how much + 不可數名詞 ...是多少 How much is the airfare? 機票多少錢? 1. nonstop a. 直達的、不停的 2. book v. 預訂 3. round-trip回程 4. seat n. 座位 5. airfare n. 飛機票價 2行程 I want to make a reservation1 from Taipei to Dallas. 我要預約從台北到達拉斯的機票。 I'd like to book the first flight2 to Tokyo for May 1st. 我想預訂五月一日到東京的最早航班。 Do you fly3 to New York on September 2nd? 你們有九月二日到東京的班機嗎? Do you fly from Taipei to Tokyo on September 2nd? 你們有九月二日從台北到紐約的班機嗎? I want to fly to Chicago on the 1st of September. 我想要在九月一日飛芝加哥。 I'd like to book a nonstop flight from New York to Paris. 我想預訂從紐約到巴黎的直達航班。 I'm thinking of flying from Paris to Seattle on May 1st and from Seattle to Tokyo on May 8th. 我打算五月一日從巴黎到西雅圖,以及五月八日從西雅圖到東京。 ★make a reservation 預約 I want to make a reservation to Taipei. 我要預約到台北(的機位)。 ★be thinking of +動名詞 正打算做某事 I am thinking of calling him. 我打算打電話給他。 1.make a reservation 預定 2.flight n. 航班 3.fly v. 飛行 3訂機位/取消機位/變更機位 I would like to book two seats from Taipei to New York on August 25th. 我要訂兩個人八月廿五日從台北到紐約的機票。 I would prefer a morning flight. 我偏好早上的班機。 I would like to book flight 803 on August 25th. 我要訂八月廿五日的803班次。 I would like the 9 am one. 我要九點的那一個班次。 通常你會聽到對方這麼說: ◆There's a flight at 9 am and one at 11 am.  早上九點有一班,還有一班是十一點。 ◆Which would you prefer?  您想要哪一個班次? I want to cancel my reservation. 我想取消我的訂位。 I would like to change my flight. 我想變更我的班機。 ★prefer+名詞 偏好某事 I prefer the red one. 我偏好紅色那個。 ★cancel reservation 取消預約 I'd like to cancel my reservation. 我想要取消我的訂位。 4航班查詢 Could you please find1 another flight before it? 請你替我找那一天之前的另一個班機好嗎? Are there two seats available2 on the 2 pm flight? 下午兩點起飛的飛機還有兩個空位嗎? Do you fly to New York on next Monday? 你們有下星期一到紐約的班機嗎? Could you check the boarding time3 for me? 你能替我查班機時刻表嗎? But I can't make it until4 the 30th of August. 可是我八月卅日前無法成行。 It's Flight 306. 是306號班機。 From Taipei to Seattle. 從台北到西雅圖。 ★Could you please+原形動詞 能否請你做某事 Could you please write me a note? 能否請你幫我寫一張備忘錄? ★be available 有空閒的 Mr. White is available now. 懷特先生現在有空。 ★make it 能夠做某事 Can you make it on time? 你能準時做到嗎? 1.find v. 尋找 2.available a. 可用的、有效的 3.boarding time班機時刻 4.until prep. 直到…為止 5特定航班 I would like to reschedule1 the flight at 4 pm. 我想把班機改成下午四點的那班飛機。 I would like to change2 the flights for the same date. 我想改成同一天的其他航班。 I would like to reconfirm3 my seat on the 10 am flight to Seattle for October 7th. 請再確認一下我預訂的十月七日上午十點飛西雅圖的航班。 I'm looking for a flight from Tokyo to Paris on July 3rd. 我正在找七月三日從東京到巴黎的航班。 I would prefer4 a morning flight. 我偏好上午的班機。 I want to leave on next Wednesda
